
Quando mio figlio ha bisogno di iniezioni e controlli?

Hai davvero bisogno di vaccinare i tuoi figli e di sottoporti a regolari controlli? La risposta, dice il pediatra Wadie Shabab, MD , è un sonoro: “Sì!” I vaccini sono molto sicuri e hanno salvato i bambini dal contrarre malattie dalla poliomielite alla varicella.

E i controlli corretti aiutano a garantire che tuo figlio raggiunga importanti traguardi dello sviluppo. Leggi questa infografica per scoprire quando tuo figlio ha bisogno di quale iniezione e una visita dall’ambulatorio.
Childhood immunizations help protect your child from getting a number of illnesses.

These vaccines, mostly given as shots at a well-child visit, are very safe and can help prevent easily spread diseases that can cause serious health problems.

Here’s a guide to when your child needs shots and doctor’s visits.

Newborn2-4 weeks2 months4 months6 months9 months12 months15 months18 months 24 months30 months3 years4-6 years7-10 years11-12 years13-17 yearsYearly

Checkup within 5 days of returning home from
the hospital. HBV immunization (if not given in
the hospital).

Well-child check. HBV if not yet given.

Well-child check. DTaP, Hib, IPV, PCV, HBV
and rotavirus vaccines.

Well-child check. DTaP, Hib, IPV, PCV and rotavirus boosters.

Well-child check. DTaP, HBV, Hib, IPV, PCV, rotavirus boosters.

Well-child check. Developmental screening.

Well-child check. Anemia test, and lead and fluoride level checks. TB screening. MMR,
varicella and HAV vaccines. PCV booster.

Well-child check. DTaP and Hib boosters.

Well-child check. Developmental and autism screenings. HAV booster.

Well-child check. Lead and fluoride level checks. TB screening.

Well-child check. Developmental and autism screenings.

Annual well-child check. Vision/hearing screenings.

Annual well-child check. Vision/hearing screenings. DTaP, IPV, MMR and varicella boosters.

Annual well-child check. Vision/hearing and TB screenings. Any immunizations previously missed.

Annual well-child check. Depression and TB screenings. DTaP, HPV and MCV4 vaccines.

Annual well-child check. Depression, vision/hearing and TB screenings. MCV4 booster at age 16. Any immunizations missed (like MCV4, DTaP or HPV).

Influenza (flu vaccine). (A one-time booster shot is needed a month after the child’s first flu vaccination if he or she is younger than 9 years old.)

(beginning at 6 months)

DTaP = Diphtheria, tetanus, accellular pertussis vaccine
HAV = Hepatitis A vaccine
HBV = Hepatitis B vaccine
Hib = Haemophilus influenzae type B
HPV = Human papilloma virus vaccine to prevent HPV-related cancers
IPV = Inactivated polio vaccine
MCV4 = Meningococcal conjugate vaccine for meningitis
MMR = Measles/mumps/rubella vaccine
PCV = Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for meningitis
Rotavirus = Vaccine against potentially life-threatening diarrhea
Tdap = Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis vaccine
Varicella = Chicken pox vaccine

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