Le migliori scuole per l’autismo negli Stati Uniti e nel mondo
Come tutti sappiamo, non esistono due bambini con diagnosi di disturbo dello spettro autistico (ASD) sono uguali. I bambini con autismo imparano in modo diverso e hanno una vasta gamma di bisogni educativi e di sviluppo .
Sfortunatamente, gli insegnanti e il personale di supporto non sempre comprendono i bisogni speciali dei bambini con diagnosi di autismo e la scuola diventa una lotta. E, troppo spesso, i crolli e altre difficoltà di comunicazione sono indicati come comportamenti “cattivi” . Questo può rendere difficile per le famiglie trovare la soluzione educativa “giusta”.
Tutti i bambini meritano di essere vicini a persone che credono in loro, li capiscono e supportano i loro bisogni educativi. i bambini con autismo sono come piccoli alberi che necessitano di cure speciali per crescere e raggiungere il loro pieno potenziale.
Comprendiamo il tuo desiderio di trovare una scuola in cui tuo figlio possa svilupparsi, sentirsi accettato e imparare con la guida di uno staff scolastico professionale completamente addestrato a trattare con bambini con bisogni speciali.
Qui a Autism Parenting Magazine , ci sforziamo di cambiare il modo in cui i bambini con autismo vengono trattati ed educati. Se sei alla ricerca di una scuola per l’autismo vicino a te, dai un’occhiata al seguente elenco di scuole e strutture educative per l’autismo private e pubbliche che fanno dei bambini e dei bisogni speciali una priorità.
Scuola di autismo negli Stati Uniti d’America (USA)
Bob Jones High School
650 Hughes Road
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 56-772-2547
Fax: 256-772-6698
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4281
Columbia Elementary School
667 Balch Road
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-430-2751
Fax: 256-430-2794
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4308
Discovery Middle School
1304 Hughes Road
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-837-3735
Fax: 256-837-1573
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4309
Heritage Elementary School
11775 County Line Road
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-772-2075
Fax: 256-772-6580
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4310
Horizon Elementary School
7855 Madison Pike
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-464-3614
Fax: 256-464-3689
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4311
James Clemens High School
11306 County Line Road
Madison, AL 35756
Telefono: 256-216-5313
Fax: 256-216-5314
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4641
Liberty Middle School
281 Dock Murphy Dr.
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-430-0001
Fax: 256-430-0282
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4312
Madison City Schools First Class Pre-K Center
74 Nance Road
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-824-8080
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID= 4797
Madison Elementary School
17 College Street
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-772-9255
Fax: 256-461-8300
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4314
Scuola elementare di Mill Creek
847 Mill Road
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-774-4690
Fax: 256-774-4691
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4313
Oxford Learning Alabama Birmingham Tutoraggio
1401 Doug Baker Blvd Suite 105
Birmingham, Alabama 35242
Telefono: 205-980-5745
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Alabama Pelham Tutoraggio
349 Huntley Pkwy
Pelham, AL 35124
Telefono: 205-620-2373
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Scuola elementare arcobaleno
50 Nance Road
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-824-8106
Fax: 256-824-8110
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4316
11306 County Line Road
Madison, AL 35756
Telefono: 256-216-5313 x 95073
Fax: 256-216-5314
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4315
Scuola elementare di West Madison
4976 Wall Triana Highway
Madison, AL 35758
Telefono: 256-837-1189
Fax: 256-837-1258
w: http://www.madisoncity.k12.al.us/Default.asp?L=0&LMID=&PN=Schools2&DivisionID=&DepartmentID=&SubDepartmentID=&SubP=School&SchoolID=4317
Devereux Arizona Contattaci
2025 N. 3rd Street, Suite 250
Phoenix, AZ 85004
Telefono: 602-283-1573
Fax: 480-443-5587
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=az_contact
Oak Creek Ranch School
David Wick, Jr., Preside
P.O. Box 4329
West Sedona, AZ 86340
Telefono: numero verde: 1-877-554-OCRS
w: http://www.ocrs.com/index.php
Oxford Learning Arkansas Conway Tutoraggio
2225 Prince Street, Suite 5
Conway, Arkansas 72034
Telefono: 501.329.3232
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
ABC School Ontario
2234 E 4th St,
Ontario, CA 91764
Telefono: 909-204-4142
w: http://www.appliedbehaviorconsultants.com/
ABC School Sacramento
4540 Harlin Drive
Sacramento, CA
95827 Telefono: 916-364-7800, Ext 112
Fax: 916-364-9928
w: http://www.appliedbehaviorconsultants.com/Locations/Northern-California/Sacramento
Capitol Autism Services
1901 Royal Oaks Drive, Suite 201
Sacramento, Ca 95815
Telefono: 916-923-1789
w: http://capitolautismservices.com/LPA/contact.html
Capitol Autism Services
120 Independence Circle, Suite D
Chico, CA 95973
Telefono: 530-228-9500
Fax: 530-267-4848
w: http://capitolautismservices.com/LPA/contact.html
2511 Numa Watson Road
Seaside, CA 93955
Telefono: 831-394-3468
Fax: 831-394-6809
w: http://www.chartwell.org/support-us/contact
Devereux California
PO Box 6784
Santa Barbara CA, 93160
Telefono: 805-968-2525, int. 1266/1202
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sb_contact
Devereux California
6980 Falberg Way
Goleta, CA 93117
Telefono: 805-968-2525, int. 1266/1202
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=sb_contact
Dublin Kendall Centre
5601 Arnold Road Suite 100
Dublin, California 94568
Telefono: 925-833-7789
w: http://www.tpathways.org/contact.html
Elk Grove Kendall Center
7801 Laguna Blvd. Suite 100 Elk Grove, CA 95758
Telefono: 916-683-1109
Fax: 916-683-1140
w: http://www.tpathways.org/contact.html
Scuola Gevirtz
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9490
Telefono: 805-893-5492
w: http://education.ucsb.edu/about/contacts
Land Park Academy
2751 Wilmington Ave.
Sacramento, Ca 95820
Telefono: 916-427-2273
Fax: 916-427-1071 –
w: http://capitolautismservices.com/LPA/contact.html
Leeway School
9 North Almansor
St.Alhambra, CA 91801
Telefono: 626-308-4521
Fax: 626-284-8176
w: http://www.leewayschool.com/#contact
Modesto Kendall Center
1115 14th
St.Modesto, CA 95354
Telefono: 209-572-2589
FAX: 209.572.1461
w: http://www.tpathways.org/contact.html
Oxford Learning California Elk Grove Tutoraggio
9261 Laguna Springs Drive Suite 120
Elk Grove, California 95758
Telefono: 916-683-1115
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Sacramento Kendall Center
2775 Cottage Way, Suite
8 Sacramento, CA 95825
Telefono: 916-489-1376
Fax: 916-489-1386
w: http://www.tpathways.org/contact.html
School of Education UC Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Telefono: (530) 752-0757
w: http://education.ucdavis.edu/footer-quick-link/location-and-contacts
La scuola della baia
1026 Capitola Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95062.
Telefono: 831-462-9620
Fax: 831-462-9616
w: http://www.thebayschool.org/contact/
Tracy Kendall Center
510 Whispering Wind
Dr.Suite 110 Tracy, CA 95377
Telefono: 209-832-7756
Fax: 209-832-7942
w: http://www.tpathways.org/contact.html
Denver Academy
4400 E. Illiff Ave. Denver CO, 80222
Telefono: 303-777-5870
w: info@denveracademy.org
Devereux Colorado
8405 Church Ranch Blvd.
Westminster, CO 80021
Telefono: 1-800-456-2536; 303-466-7391
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=co_contact
Accademia Humanex
2700 S Zuni St, Englewood, CO 80110
Telefono: 303-783-0137
Fax: 303-783-9159
w: http://www.humanexacademy.com/contact-us/
Oxford Learning Aurora Tutoraggio
Southlands Mall a SE Aurora 6235 S Main St Suite 210
Aurora, Colorado 80016
Telefono: 303-928-7644
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
La Joshua School
2303 E Dartmouth Ave.
Englewood, CO 80113
Telefono: 303-758-7171
w: https://www.joshuaschool.org/contact
AIS Magnet School
201 University Blvd,
Danbury, CT 06811
Telefono: 203-778-7462
w: https://sites.google.com/danbury.k12.ct.us/ais/home
Centro alternativo per l’eccellenza
26 Locust Avenue
Danbury CT 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4762
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/ace-web/
Broadview Middle School
72 Hospital Avenue
Danbury, CT 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4861
Fax: 203-790-2856
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/broadview-middle-school/
Danbury High School
43 Clapboard Ridge Rd.
Danbury, CT 06811
Telefono: 203-797-4800
w: http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/dhsweb/main/index.html
Centro per la prima infanzia
17 Cottage Street, Danbury CT 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4990
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/mrec/
Ellsworth Avenue School
53 Ellsworth Avenue,
Danbury, CT 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4740
Fax: 203-830-6527
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/ellsworth-avenue-school-2/
Great Plain Elementary School
10 Stadley Rough Rd.
Danbury, CT. 06811
Telefono: 203-797-4749
Fax: 203-830-6581
w: http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/elemweb/gpweb/GPS/HOME.html
Hayestown Ave. School
42 Tamarack Ave, Danbury, CT 06811
Telefono: 203-797-4771
Fax: 203-830-6505
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/hayestown-avenue-school/directions
King Street Campus Elementary School
151 South King St, Danbury, CT 06811
Telefono: 203-797-4744
Fax: 203-830-6596
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/ksc_elementary_school/directions
Scuola elementare di Mill Ridge
49 A High Ridge Road
Danbury CT 06811
Telefono: 203-797-4781
Fax: 203-830-6583
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/mrp/
Morris Street Elementary School
28 Morris Street
Danbury, Ct 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4809
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/morris-street-elementary/
Oxford Academy
1393 Boston Post Road
Westbrook, CT 06498
Telefono: 860-399-6247
w: http://www.oxfordacademy.net/
Scuola elementare di Park Avenue
82 Park Ave, Danbury, CT 06810
affinare: 203-797-4764
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/park_avenue_school/directions
Scuola elementare di Pembroke
34 1/2 Pembroke Rd. Danbury, CT 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4751
w: http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/elemweb/pemweb/peweb/Welcome.html
Rogers Park Middle School
21 Memorial
Dr.Danbury, CT 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4881
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/rpms/
Shelter Rock School
2 Crows Nest Lane,
Danbury, CT 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4778
Fax: 203-830-6586
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/shr-website/
South Street School
129 South Street
Danbury, CT 06810
Telefono: (203) 797-4789
w: http://www.danbury.k12.ct.us/elemweb/sssweb/SSS/Home.html
Stadley Rough Elementary School
25 Karen Rd.
Danbury, CT 06811
Telefono: 203-797-4774
Fax: 203-830-6520
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/str/
La scuola Glenholme
81 Sabbaday Lane
Washington, CT 06793
Telefono 860-868-7377
Fax 860-868-7894
w: http://www.theglenholmeschool.org/
La Woodhall School
PO Box 550
58 Harrison Lane
Bethlehem, CT 06751
Telefono: 203-266-7788
Fax: 203-266-5896
w: http://woodhallschool.org/contact/
Western Connecticut regionale per adulti e formazione continua
10 Crosby Street, Danbury, CT 06810
Telefono: 203-797-4731
Fax: 203-731-8288
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/werace/
Westside Middle School Academy
1 School Ridge Road
Danbury, CT 06811
Telefono: 475-329-6700
w: https://sites.google.com/a/danbury.k12.ct.us/wsmsa/contact-us
Alfred G. Waters Middle School
1235 Cedar Lane Road
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: (302) 449-3490
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Appoquinimink High School
1080 Bunker Hill Road
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-449-3840
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Centro prescolare Appoquinimink
502 S. Broad Street
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-376-4400
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Distretto scolastico di Appoquinimink
118 S. Sixth Street
Odessa, DE 19730
Telefono: 302-376-4128
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Autismo Delaware
924 Old Harmony Road, Suite 201
Newark, DE 19713
Telefono: 302-224-6020
17517 Nassau Commons Blvd., Unit 1
Lewes, DE 19958
Telefono: 302-644-3410
1131 N Dupont Hwy,
Dover DE 19901
Telefono: 302-224 -6020
w: https://www.delautism.org/
Brick Mill Elementary
378 Brick Mill Rd.
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-378-5288
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Bunker Hill Elementary
1070 Bunker Hill Road
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-378-5135
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Cedar Lane Early Childhood Center
1221 Cedar Lane Road
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-449-5873
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Cedar Lane Elementary
1259 Cedar Lane Road
Middletown, DE 19709 131259
Telefono: 302-378-5045
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Meredith Middle School
504 S. Broad Street
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-378-5001
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Middletown High School
120 Silver Lake Road
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-376-4141
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Old State Elementary School
580 Tony Marchio Drive
Townsend, DE 19734
Telefono: 302-378-6720
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Olive B. Loss Elementary School
200 Brennan Boulevard
Bear, DE
19701 Telefono: 302-832-1343
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Il Centerville Layton
6201 Kennett Pike
Centreville, DE 19807
Tel 302-571-0230 Fax 302-571-0270
w: http://centrevillelayton.org/contact/contact/
Redding Middle School
201 New Street
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-378-5030
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Silver Lake Elementary School
200 E Cochran Street
Middletown, DE 19709
Telefono: 302-378-5023
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Spring Meadow Early Childhood Center
611 Campus Drive
Middletown, DE 19734
Telefono: 302-378-6760
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Townsend Early Childhood Center
10 Brook Ramble Lane
Townsend, DE 19734
Telefono: 302-378-9960
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
Townsend Elementary School
126 Main Street
Townsend, DE 19734
Telefono: 302-378-5020
w: http://www.apposchooldistrict.com/maps/district/
College of Education
140 Norman Hall, PO Box 117040,
Gainesville, FL 32611-7044
Telefono: 352-392-0726
w: https://education.ufl.edu/help-and-support/
Scuola superiore della contea di DeSoto
1710 East Gibson Street
Arcadia, FL 34266
Telefono: 863-494-3434
Fax: 863-494-7867
w: http://dhs.desotoschools.com/
Centro per la prima infanzia DeSoto
318 N Wilson Avenue
Arcadia, FL 34266
Telefono: 863-494-9303 / 863-494-4222 ext.178
w: http://ecc.desotoschools.com/
Scuola media DeSoto
420 E Gibson St
Arcadia, FL 34266
Telefono: 863-494-4133
Fax: 863-494-5894
w: http://dms.desotoschools.com/
Devereux Florida
5850 TG Lee Blvd., Suite 400
Orlando, FL 32822
Telefono: 407-362-9210
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=fl_contactus
Family Service Center
310 West Whidden St
Arcadia, FL 34266
Telefono: 863-993-1333
Fax: 863-993-9181
w: http://fsc.desotoschools.com/
Scuola elementare commemorativa
851 E Hickory St
Arcadia, FL 34266
Telefono: 863-494-2736
Fax: 863-993-2202
w: http://mes.desotoschools.com/
Nocatee Elementary School
846 SW Shores Ave
Arcadia, FL 34266
Telefono: 863-494-0755 / 863-494-4326
Fax: 863-494-3264
w: http://nes.desotoschools.com/
Oxford Learning Florida Largo Tutoraggio
35-12931 Walsingham Rd
Largo, Florida 33774
Telefono: 727.595.1538
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Florida Ocoee Tutoring
286 Moore Rd
Ocoee, Florida 34761
Telefono: 407-901-0901
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Florida Palm Harbor Tutoraggio
3412 East Lake Road
Palm Harbor, Florida 34685
Telefono: 727-475-9980
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Florida South Brandon Tutoraggio
3212 Lithia Pinecrest Rd. Suite 102
Valrico, Florida
33596 Telefono: 813-689-6527
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Il Carrie Brazer Center for Autism & Alternative Approaches, Inc.
South Dade Campus
16905 SW 100th Ave
Miami, Florida 33157
Telefono: 305-234-0490
Fax: 305-234-0491
w: http://www.cbc4autism.org/bnbform.html
Il Carrie Brazer Center for Autism & Alternative Approaches, Inc.
Sunset Campus
7530 Sunset Drive
Miami, Florida 33143
Telefono: 305-271-8790
Fax: 305-271-8789
w: http://www.cbc4autism.org/bnbform.html
La scuola d’avanguardia
22000 Hwy 27
Lake Wales, FL 33859
Telefono: 863-676-6091
Fax: 863-676-8297
w: https://www.vanguardschool.org/about/contact-us-and-campus-map
Scuola elementare occidentale
04 W Imogene St
Arcadia, FL 34266
Telefono: 863-494-3155
Fax: 863-494-3689
w: http://wes.desotoschools.com/
Cumberland Academy of Georgia
650-A Mt. Vernon Highway NE Atlanta, GA 30328
Telefono: 404-835-9000 dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 8:00 alle 15:00
w: https://cumberlandacademy.org/
Joseph Sam School
280 Brandywine Blvd.
Fayetteville, GA 30214
Telefono: 770-461-5894
Fax: 770-461-5223
w: http://josephsamsschool.org/contact/
The Cottage School
700 Grimes Bridge Rd, Roswell, GA 30075
High School: 770-641-8688
Middle School 770-640-8037
Fax: 770-641-9026
w: http://www.cottageschool.org/apps/contact/
La Howard School
1192 Foster Street, NW
Atlanta, GA
30318 Telefono 404-377-7436
Fax 404-377-0884
w: http://www.howardschool.org/
La scuola Schenck
282 Mt. Paran Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30327
Telefono: 404-252-2591
Fax: 404-252-7615
w: http://www.schenck.org/
Oxford Learning Florida Idaho Meridian Tutoring
3327 North Eagle Road Suite 100
Meridian, ID 83646
Telefono: 208-608-5061
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
950 South Brehm Lane
Carbondale, IL 62901
Telefono: 618-457-0371
w: http://www.brehm.org/contact-us/
New Hope Academy
6289 W. Howard
St.Niles, IL 60714
Telefono: 847-588-0463
Fax: 847-588-0464
w: http://www.nhaweb.com/
Soaring Eagle Academy
800 Parkview Blvd
Lombard, IL 60148
Telefono: 630-323-2900
Fax: 630-323-2936
w: http://soaringeagleacademy.org/contact-us/
Centro di analisi del comportamento per l’autismo 1
11902 Lakeside Drive
Fishers, IN 46038
Telefono: 317-288-5232
Fax: 317-288-5229
w: http://thebaca.com/contact-info/
Centro di analisi del comportamento per l’autismo Hart
53633 County Road 7
Elkhart, IN 46514
Telefono: 574-343-2001
Fax: 574-343-2156
w: http://thebaca.com/contact-info/
Centro di analisi del comportamento per la preparazione dell’autismo
9929 E. 126th St.
Fishers, IN 46038
Telefono: 317-436-8961
Fax: 317-436-8966
w: http://thebaca.com/contact-info/
Centro di analisi del comportamento per l’autismo Z
6704 Central Blvd.
Zionsville, IN 46077
Telefono: 317-769-4335
Fax: 317-769-4337
w: http://thebaca.com/contact-info/
Fortune Academy
5626 Lawton Loop E. Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46216
(317) 377-0544
w: https://www.thefortuneacademy.org/
Frankton Elementary School
1303 East State Road 128
Frankton, IN 46044
Telefono: 765-754-7545
Fax: 765-754-8598
w: http://www.flcs.k12.in.us
Frankton Jr. Sr. High School
610 Clyde Street
Frankton, IN 46044
Telefono: 765-754-7879
Fax: 765-754-8594
w: http://www.flcs.k12.in.us
Hamilton Heights Elementary School
25150 State Road 19
Arcadia, IN 46030
Telefono: 317-984-3547
Fax: 317-984-3540
w: http://www.hhschuskies.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=13
Hamilton Heights High School
25802 State Road 19
Arcadia, IN 46030
Telefono: 317-984-3551
Fax: 317-984-3554
w: http://www.hhschuskies.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=9
Hamilton Heights Middle School
420 West North Street
Arcadia, IN 46030
Telefono: 317-984-3588
Fax: 317-984-3231
w: http://www.hhschuskies.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=11
Hamilton Heights Primary School
25350 State Road 19
Arcadia, IN 46030
Telefono: 317-984-1530
Fax: 317-984-1544
w: http://www.hhschuskies.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=15
Hazel Dell Elementary
3025 Westfield Road
Noblesville, IN 46062
Telefono: 317-773-2914
Fax: 317-773-2916
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/17
Elementare di Hinkle Creek
595 South Harbour Dr
Noblesville, IN 46062
Telefono: 317-776-0840
Fax: 317-776-6267
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/12
Indiana University School of Education
201 N. Rose Avenue
Bloomington, Indiana 47405-1006
Telefono: 812-856-8500
w: http://education.indiana.edu/about/contact.html
Lapel Elementary School
2865 South State Road 13
Lapel, IN 46051
Telefono: 765-534-3101
Fax: 765-203-9931
w: http://les.flcs.k12.in.us/
Lapel High School
1850 South 900 West
Lapel, IN 46051
Telefono: 765-534-3036
Fax: 765-203-9943
w: http://les.flcs.k12.in.us/
Lapel Middle School
2883 South State Road 13
Lapel, IN 46051
Telefono: 765-534-3136
Fax: 765-203-9937
w: http://les.flcs.k12.in.us/
Noble Crossing Elementary
5670 Noble Crossing Parkway
Noblesville, IN 46062
Telefono: 317-773-2850
Fax: 317-773-2854
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/15
Noblesville East Middle School
1625 Field Dr
Noblesville, IN
46060 Telefono: 317-773-0782
Fax: 317-776-6261
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/9
Noblesville High School
18111 Cumberland Rd
Noblesville, IN
46060 Telefono: 317-773-4680
Fax: 317-776-6289
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/8
Noblesville West Middle School
19900 Hague Road
Noblesville, IN 46062
Telefono: 317-776-7792
Fax: 317-776-7797
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/10
North Elementary
440 North 10th St
Noblesville, IN
46060 Telefono: 317-773-0482
Fax: 317-776-6274
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/14
Oxford Learning Illinois Naperville Tutoraggio
3075 Book Road, Suite 119 95th Street Shops
Naperville, Illinois 60564
Telefono: 630-355-1600
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Illinois Palatine Tutoraggio
764 West Euclid Avenue Regency Plaza
Palatine, Illinois 60067
Telefono: 847-963-9900
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Illinois Skokie Tutoraggio
8816 Gross Point Rd
Skokie, Illinois 60077
Telefono: 847-470-1985
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Promise Road Elementary School
14975 Promise Rd
Noblesville, IN
46060 Telefono: 317-773-7060
Fax: 317-773-7058
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/1
Sheridan Elementary School
24795 Hinesley Road
Sheridan, IN 46069
Telefono: 317-758-4491
Fax: 317-758-2409
w: http://www.scs.k12.in.us/
Sheridan High School
24185 Hinesley Road
Sheridan, IN 46069
Telefono: 317-758-4431
Fax: 317-758-2406
w: http://www.scs.k12.in.us/
Sheridan Middle School
3030 West 246th Street
Sheridan, IN 46069
Telefono: 317-758-6780
Fax: 317-758-2435
w: http://www.scs.k12.in.us/
Elementare di Stony Creek
1350 Greenfield Pike
Noblesville, IN
46060 Telefono: 317-773-0582
Fax: 317-776-6270
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/13
Elementare di White River
19000 Cumberland Rd
Noblesville, IN
46060 Telefono: 317-770-2080
Fax: 317-770-2081
w: https://www.noblesvilleschools.org/Domain/16
8700 East 29th St N, Wichita, KS 67226
Telefono: 316-634-8700
Numero verde: 800-835-1043
w: https://www.heartspring.org/
Oxford Learning Kentucky Louisville Tutoraggio
12338 A Shelbyville Road NUOVA POSIZIONE
Louisville, Kentucky 40243
Telefono: 502-785-4416
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
La scuola de Paul
1925 Duker Avenue
Louisville, KY 40205
Telefono 502-459-6131
Fax 502-805-0505
w: http://www.depaulschool.org/contact/
Università di Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
Telefono: 1-800-334-UofL (8635) / 502-852-5555
w: http://louisville.edu/contact.html
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Chelsea School
2970 Belcrest Center Drive # 300
Hyattsville, MD, 20782
Telefono: 240-467-2100
w: http://chelseaschool.edu/contact-chelsea-school/
11614 Seven Locks Road
Rockville, MD 20854
Telefono: 301-469-0223
Fax: 301-469-0778
w: http://www.ivymount.org/
Kennedy Krieger Institute
707 North Broadway
Baltimore, MD 21205
Telefono: (443) 923-9200, numero verde 1-800-873-3377
w: https://www.kennedykrieger.org/
La Summit School
664 East Central Avenue
Edgewater, MD 21037
Telefono: 410-798-0005
Fax: 410-798-0008
w: http://thesummitschool.org/
Carroll School
25 Baker Bridge Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
Telefono: 781-259-8342
w: http://www.carrollschool.org/contact-us
Scuola di Cotting
453 Concord Avenue
Lexington, MA 02421
Telefono: 781-862-7323
w: https://www.cotting.org/
Devereux Massachusetts
60 Miles Road, PO Box 219
Rutland, MA 01543-0219
Telefono: 508-886-4746
Fax: 508-886-4773
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ma_contact
Eaglehill School
PO Box 116242
Old Petersham Road
Hardwick, MA 01037
Telefono: 413-477-6000
Fax: 413-477-6837
w: http://www.eaglehill.school/page
Hillcrest Educational Foundation
788 South Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Telefono: 413-499-7924
w: http://www.hillcrestec.org/
Kennedy Day School
30 Warren Street
Brighton, MA 02135
Telefono: 617-254-3800
w: https://franciscanchildrens.org/education/kennedy-day-school/
Landmark School
429 Hale Street, PO Box 227
Prides Crossing, MA 01965
Telefono: 978-236-3010
Fax: 978-927-7268
w: http://www.landmarkschool.org/directory/staff
Landmark School Elementary High School
412 Hale Street
P.O. Box 227
Prides Crossing, MA 01965
Telefono: 978-236-3010
Fax: 978-921-0361
w: http://www.landmarkschool.org/directory/staff
Landmark School Elementary Middle School
167 Bridge Street
P.O. Box 1489
Manchester, MA 01944
Telefono: 978-236-3100
Fax: 978-526-1482
w: http://www.landmarkschool.org/directory/staff
May Center School for Autism & Developmental Disabilities
511 Main Street
West Springfield, MA 01089
Telefono: 413-785-5462
w: https://www.mayinstitute.org/autism-schools/West-Springfield/our-school.html
10-R Commerce Way, Woburn, MA 01801
Telefono: 781-932-3565
w: https://www.mayinstitute.org/autism-schools/Woburn/our-school.html
May Institute Randolph School
41 Pacella Park Drive
Randolph, MA 02368
Telefono: 781-437-1300
w: http://randolphschool.mayinstitute.org/
Riverview School
551 Route 6A,
East Sandwich, MA 02537
TELEFONO: 508-888-0489
FAX: 508-833-7001
Summit Academy
15 Jamesbury Dr.
Worcester, MA 01609
Telefono: 508-751-8500
w: http://www.summitacademyma.com/
The Guild School
521 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742
Telefono: 781-893-6000
w: https://www.guildhumanservices.org/
Il New England Center for Children, Inc.
33 Turnpike Road
Southborough, MA 01772-2108
Telefono: 508-481-1015
Fax: 508-485-3421
w: https://www.necc.org/
Wayside Academy
1 Frederick Abbott Way,
Framingham, MA 01701
Telefono: 508-879-9800
w: https://www.waysideyouth.org/
Ann Arbor Academy
1153 Oak Valley Dr
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Telefono: 734-747-6641
Fax: 734- 747-9994
w: http://www.annarboracademy.org/contact_us.html
Chatfield School
231 Lake Drive
Lapeer, MI 48446
Telefono: 810-667-8970
Fax: 810-667-8983
w: http://www.chatfieldschool.org/Contact-Us.aspx
Miriam: The Learning Disability Experts
501 Bacon Avenue
St.Louis, MO 63119-1512
Telefono: 314-968-3893
w: http://www.miriamstl.org/contact-us/
New Jersey
Gruppo di apprendimento alpino
777 Paramus Road, Paramus, NJ 07652
Telefono: 201-612-7800
Fax: 201-612-7710
w: http://alpinelearninggroup.org/general-information
Bloomingdale Avenue School (classi K-2)
200 Bloomingdale Ave.
Cranford, NJ 07016
Telefono: 908-709-6969
w: http://www.cranfordschools.org/Domain/10
Brookside Place School (classi K-5)
700 Brookside Pl,
Cranford, NJ 07016700
Brookside Place
Telefono: 908-709-6244
w: http://www.cranfordschools.org/Domain/14
Chatham School
21 Lum Avenue
Chatham, NJ 07928
Telefono: 973-635-1700
w: http://www.eclcofnj.org/contact.html
Community Personnel Services, Inc. (CPS)
54 Fairmount Avenue
Chatham, NJ 07928
Telefono: 973-738-1030 x129
w: http://www.eclcofnj.org/contact.html
Devereux nel New Jersey
286 Mantua Grove Road, Bldg. # 4
West Deptford, NJ 08066
Telefono: 856) -599-6400
Fax: 856-423-8916
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=nj_contact
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
160 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8020
Telefono: 732-662-2664
w: http://rumaps.rutgers.edu/location/william-levine-hall-ernest-mario-school-of-pharmacy
Hillside Avenue School
125 Hillside Avenue
Cranford, NJ 07016
Telefono: 908-709-6229
Fax: 908-709-6752
w: http://ctsd.schoolwires.net/Domain/13
Scuola Ho-Ho-Kus
302 North Franklin Turnpike
Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423
Telefono: 201-670-7880
w: http://www.eclcofnj.org/contact.html
Lincoln School
132 Thomas Street
Cranford, NJ 07016
Telefono: 908-7090-6223
w: http://www.cranfordschools.org/Domain/8
Livingston Avenue School (classi terza-elementare)
75 Livingston Ave.
Cranford, NJ 08901
Telefono: 908-709-6248
w: http://www.cranfordschools.org/Domain/12
New Jersey Medical School
185 South Orange Avenue,
Newark, NJ 07103
w: http://njms.rutgers.edu/about_njms/directions.cfm
Orange Avenue School
901 Orange Avenue,
Cranford, NJ 07016
Telefono: 908-709-6257
Fax: 908-272-3025
w: http://www.cranfordschools.org/Domain/9
Oxford Learning New Jersey Allendale Tutoraggio
33 W. Allendale Ave
Allendale, NJ 07401
Telefono: 201-962-7777
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
PRIDE Centre (Florham Park)
100 Passaic Avenue
Chatham, NJ 07928
NOTA: i sistemi GPS / di navigazione utilizzano Florham Park, NJ 07932
Telefono: 973-635-1705 x24
w: http://www.eclcofnj.org/contact.html
PRIDE Center (Paramus)
403 Sette Drive
Paramus, NJ 07652
Telefono: 973-524-0057
w: http://www.eclcofnj.org/contact.html
Princeton Child Development Institute
300 Cold Soil Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telefono: 609-924-6280
Fax: 609-924-4119
w: http://www.pcdi.org/contact-us/
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School New Brunswick Campus
125 Paterson
St.New Brunswick NJ 08901
Telefono: 732-235-6200 / 6201
w: http://rwjms.rutgers.edu/about_rwjms/campus_directions.html
Campus di Piscataway della Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
675 Hoes Lane West
Piscataway, NJ 08854
w: http://rwjms.rutgers.edu/about_rwjms/campus_directions.html
Rutgers Cancer Institute del New Jersey
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
195 Little Albany Street
New Brunswick, NJ 08903-2681
Telefono: 732-235-CINJ (2465)
w: http://www.cinj.org/
Rutgers Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telefono: 848-445-0200
Fax: 732-445-0131
w: https://eohsi.rutgers.edu/
Rutgers Health Sciences a Newark
65 Bergen Street
Newark, NJ 07107
Telefono: 732-445-INFO (4636)
w: http://rbhs.rutgers.edu/directions_rhsc.shtml
Rutgers School of Dental Medicine
110 Bergen Street
Newark, NJ 07101-1709
Telefono: 973-972-7370
w: http://sdm.rutgers.edu/about/directions.html
Rutgers School of Nursing Health Sciences Campus
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Stanley S. Bergen Building (SSB)
65 Bergen St, Newark NJ 07107
Telefono: 973-972-4307
w: http://nursing.rutgers.edu/directions/
Rutgers School of Public Health – New Brunswick
683 Hoes Lane West, Room 110
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telefono: 732-235-4646
Fax: 732-235-9599
w: http://sph.rutgers.edu/
Rutgers School of Public Health, sede di Newark
Stanley S. Bergen Bldg.
65 Bergen Street, Room 701
Newark, NJ 07101
Telefono: 973-972-7212
Fax: 973-972-8032
w: http://sph.rutgers.edu/
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
57 US Highway 1
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8554
Telefono: 732-662-2664
w: http://newbrunswick.rutgers.edu/
School of Health Professions Newark Campus
Stanley S Bergen Bldg – Rm 149
65 Bergen Street
Newark, NJ 07107-1709
w: http://shp.rutgers.edu/About/directions.html
School of Health Professions Piscataway Campus
675 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Telefono: 732-235-4444
Fax: 732-235-4820
w: http://shp.rutgers.edu/About/directions.html
School of Health Professions Scotch Plains Campus
1776 Raritan Rd
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076-2928
Telefono: 908-889-2483
w: http://shp.rutgers.edu/About/directions.html
School of Health Professions Stratford Campus
Centro educativo universitario, Suite 2105
40 East Laurel Rd.
Stratford, NJ 08084
Telefono: 856-566-6456
Fax: 856-566-6458
w: http://shp.rutgers.edu/About/directions.html
Scuola di infermieristica
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Ackerson Hall
180 University Ave
Newark, NJ 07102
Telefono (973) 353-5293
w: http://nursing.rutgers.edu/directions/
Somerset Hills Learning Institute
1810 Burnt Mills Road
Bedminster, NJ 07921
Telefono: 908-719-6400
w: http://www.somerset-hills.org/contact-us/
Spectrum360 | Academy360
414 Eagle Rock Avenue, Suite 200B
West Orange, NJ 07052
Telefono: 973-509-3050
Fax: 973-509-01851
w: https://spectrum360.org/
La scuola Deron del New Jersey I
1140 Commerce Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Telefono: 908-206-0444
w: http://deronschool.org/
La scuola Deron del New Jersey II
130 Grove Street
Montclair, NJ 07042
Telefono: 973-509.2777
w: http://deronschool.org/
La scuola del Forum
107 Wyckoff Ave,
Waldwick, NJ 07463
Telefono: 201-444-5882
w: http://theforumschool.com/contact-us/
Walnut Avenue School (classi K-2)
370 Walnut Ave.
Cranford, NJ 07016
Telefono: 908-709-6253
w: http://www.cranfordschools.org/Domain/11
New York
Elementare di Allen Creek
3188 East Avenue
Rochester, New York 14618
Telefono: 585-267-1200
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/allenCreek.cfm
Ascent School for Autism
819 Grand Boulevard
Deer Park, NY 11729
Telefono: 631-254-6100
w: http://www.ascentschoolforautism.org/contact.html
Autism Services, Inc.
4444 Bryant Stratton Way
Williamsville, NY 14221
Telefono: 716-631-5777
Fax: 716-565-0671
w: http://friendsofasi.org/contact-us/
Barker Road Middle School
75 Barker Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telefono: 585-267-1800
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/BRMS.cfm
Scuola media di Calkins Road
1899 Calkins Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telefono: 585-267-1900
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/CRMS.cfm
Clarence Center Elementary
9600 Clarence Center Road
Clarence Center, NY 14032
Telefono: 716-407-9150
w: http://www.clarenceschools.org/Domain/10
Clarence High School
9625 Main Street
Clarence, NY 14031
Telefono: 716-407-9020
w: http://www.clarenceschools.org/Domain/8
Clarence Middle School
10150 Greiner Road
Clarence, NY 14031
Telefono: 716-407-9206
w: http://www.clarenceschools.org/Domain/9
Devereux New York
40 Devereux Way
Red Hook, NJ 12571
Telefono: 845-758-1899
Fax: 845-758-1817
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ny_contact
Gersh Academy presso il West Hills Campus
21 Sweet Hollow Rd./Huntington, NY 11743
Telefono: 631-385-3342
w: https://www.gershacademy.org/admissions/school-locations
Gersh Academy West Hempstead Campus
307 Eagle Ave
West Hempstead, NY 11552
Telefono: 516-986-9580
w: https://www.gershacademy.org/admissions/school-locations
Harris Hill Elementary
4260 Harris Hill Road
Williamsville, NY 14221
Telefono: 716-407-9175
w: http://www.clarenceschools.org/Domain/11
Immagina l’Accademia per l’autismo
1458 East 14th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230
Telefono: 718-376-8882
Fax: 718-998-1018
w: http://imagineacademyforautism.org/About-Us/Contact-Us
Jefferson Road Elementary
15 School Lane
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telefono: 585-267-1300
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/jeffersonRoad.cfm
Ledgeview elementare
5150 Old Goodrich Road
Clarence, NY 14031
Telefono: 716-407-9275
w: http://www.clarenceschools.org/Domain/13
Mendon Center Elementary
110 Mendon Center Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telefono: 585-267-1400
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/
Oxford Learning Insegnamento di New York Staten Island
1817 Hylan Blvd
Staten Island, NY 10305
Telefono: 718-987-9200
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Park Road Elementary
50 Park Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telefono: 585-267-1500
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/
Pittsford Mendon HS
472 Mendon Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telefono: 585-267-1600
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/
Pittsford Sutherland HS
55 Sutherland Street
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telefono: 585-267-1100
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/
Sheridan Hill Elementary
4560 Boncrest Drive East
Williamsville, NY 14221
Telefono: 716-407-9250
La scuola Gow
2491 Emery Road
South Wales, NY 14139
Telefono: 716-652-3450
Fax: 716-652-3457
w: https://www.gow.org/page.cfm?p=690
La scuola di Kildonan
425 Morse Hill Road
Amenia, New York 12501
Telefono: 845-373-8111
w: http://www.kildonan.org/page.cfm?p=349
Thornell Road Elementary
431 Thornell Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Telefono: 585-267-1700
w: http://www.pittsfordschools.org/
Carolina del Nord
Hill Tutoring di Raleigh
6500 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 130
Raleigh, NC 27615
Telefono: 919-489-7464 (seleziona “2”)
w: https://www.hillcenter.org/contact#.WHSoRBt974Y
Just Right Academy
PO Box 3523,
Chapel Hill, NC 27515
o 4723 Erwin Road, Durham, NC 27705
Telefono: 919-932-0360
w: http://justrightacademy.org/contact-us/
Noble Academy
3310 Horse Pen Creek Rd
Greensboro NC, 27410
Telefono: 336-282-7044
w: http://www.nobleknights.org/
Oxford Learning North Carolina Cary Tutoring
1229 NW Maynard Road Maynard Crossing Shopping Center
Cary, NC 27513
Telefono: 919-462-3330
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning North Carolina Raleigh Tutoraggio
4701 Creedmoor Road Suite 107
Raleigh, NC 27612
Telefono: 919-615-1363
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Summit School
2100 Reynolda Rd.
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
Telefono: 336-722-2777
w: http://www.summitschool.com/about-summit/call
La scuola Fletcher
8500 Sardis Road
Charlotte, NC 28270
Telefono: 704-365-4658
Fax: 704-364-2978
w: http://www.thefletcherschool.org/contact-us/
L’Hill Center di Durham
3200 Pickett Road
Durham, NC 27705
Telefono: 919-489-7464
w: https://www.hillcenter.org/contact#.WHSoRBt974Y
La John Crosland School
5146 Parkway Plaza Blvd.
Charlotte, NC 28217
Telefono: 704-365-5490
w: http://johncroslandschool.org/contact-us/
La scuola Mariposa
203 Gregson Drive
Cary, NC 27511
Telefono: 919-461-0600
Fax: 919-461-0566
w: http://www.mariposaschool.org/contact-us
Haugland Learning Center
7690 New Market Center Way,
Columbus, OH 43235
Telefono: 614-602-6473
Fax: 614-602-6493
w: http://hauglandlearningcenter.com/
L’Accademia dell’Apprendimento per l’Autismo
110 Arco Drive Toledo OH 43607
Telefono USA : 419-865-7487
w: http://www.theautismacademy.org/contact-us.html
Oxford Learning Oklahoma Tulsa Tutoraggio
7715 East 91st Suite B
Tulsa, OK 74133
Telefono: 918-250-5500
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Nuova Leaf Academy
PO Box 6454
Bend, OR 97708
Telefono: 877-820-5050 / 541-318-1676
w: https://newleafacademy.com/contacts.html
Scuola speciale Camphill
(Beaver Run: Lower, Middle, High Schools; Meadowsweet Waldorf Kindergarten)
1784 Fairview Road
Glenmoore, PA
19343 Telefono: 610-469-9236
Fax: 610-469-9758
w: http://camphillspecialschool.org/contact/
Scuola speciale Camphill
(Programma di transizione presso Beaver Farm)
551 W Seven Stars Road
Phoenixville, PA 19460
Telefono: 610-469-9236
Fax: 610-469-9758
w: http://camphillspecialschool.org/contact/
Scuola media / liceo focalizzata sulla carriera
2432 Greensburg Pike
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
w: http://www.paceschool.org/schools
Centro Devereux per scuole efficaci
2012 Renaissance Boulevard
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Telefono: 610-542-3057
Fax: 610-542-3087
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=ces_contact
Devereux Center for Resilient Children
444 Devereux Drive, Villanova, PA, 19085
Telefono: (866) 872-4687
w: https://www.centerforresilientchildren.org/home/contact-us/
Devereux PA Adult Services Division
Sede nazionale
444 Devereux Drive
Villanova, PA 19085
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=cont_form
Devereux Pennsylvania
230 Highland Avenue
Devon, PA 19333
Telefono: 800-345-1292 / 610-788-6565.
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=pa_contact
Devereux Pocono
Mary Seeley, Direttore esecutivo
1547 Mill Creek Road
Terranova, PA 18445
Telefono: 570-839-6140
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=pa_pocono_center
Green Tree School
1196 East Washington Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19138
Telefono: 215-866-0200
w: https://www.greentreeschool.org/contact/
Pace School e uffici amministrativi Pace
2432 Greensburg Pike
Pittsburgh, PA 15221
Telefono: 412-244-1900
Fax: 412-244-0100 / Programma educativo e clinico 412-244-1902
w: http://www.paceschool.org/schools
Servizi del distretto scolastico PACE
Moon Classroom
1720 Hassam Road
Moon Township, PA 15108
Telefono: 412-342-4364
Fax: 412-244-0100
w: http://www.paceschool.org/schools
Spectrum Charter School
4369 Northern
Monroeville PA 15146
Telefono: 412-374 8130
Fax: 412-374 9629
w: http://www.spectrumcharterschool.org/contact-us/
Programmi scolastici di Sant’Antonio
2000 Corporate Drive, Suite 580, Wexford, PA 15090
Telefono: 844-782-5437 / 724-940-9020
Fax: 724-940-9064
w: http://stanthonykids.org/contact.php
La scuola di Phelps
83 Sugartown Road
Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355
Telefono: 610-644-1754
Fax: 610-644-6679
w: http://thephelpsschool.org/
Rhode Island
Intervento precoce
203 Concord Street, Suite 335
Pawtucket, RI 02860
Telefono: 401-525-2380
w: w: http://grodennetwork.org/contact/
Groden Center North
Programma giornaliero e servizi per la famiglia
86 Mount Hope Avenue
Providence, RI 02906
Telefono: 401-274-6310
w: http://grodennetwork.org/contact/
Groden Centre South
Programma giornaliero
2 St. Vincent dePaul Street
Coventry, RI 02918
Telefono: 401-615-2600
w: http://grodennetwork.org/contact/
Centro per l’educazione della prima infanzia (scuola materna)
30 Livingston Street
Providence, RI 02904
Telefono: 401-421-1673
w: http://grodennetwork.org/contact/
Scarica la tua guida GRATUITA su
Scuole e strutture educative per l’autismo
Scarica la tua guida GRATUITA
Carolina del Sud
Glenforest School
1041 Harbor Dr
West Columbia, SC 29169
Telefono: 803-796-7622
Fax: 803.796.1603
w: http://www.glenforest.org/
Trident Academy
1455 Wakendaw Rd.
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
Telefono: 843.884.7046
Fax: 843.881.8320
w: http://www.tridentacademy.com/
Distretto scolastico speciale di Bradford
106 West Front Street
P.O. Box 220
Bradford, TN 38316
Telefono: 731-742-3180
Fax: 731-742-3994
w: http://www.bradfordssd.schoolinsites.com/?PN=Contact
Currey Ingram Academy
6544 Murray Ln
Brentwood, TN 37027
Telefono: 615-507-3173
Fax: 615-620-6255
w: http://www.curreyingram.org/page/admission/contact-and-directions
Campus della città della lega della rete di trattamento del Texas di Devereux
1150 Devereux Drive
League City, TX 77573
Telefono: 281-335-1000 o 800-373-0011
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=tx_directions
Devereux Texas Treatment Network Victoria Campus
120 David Wade Drive
P.O. Box 2666
Victoria, TX 77902
Telefono: 361-575-8271 o 800-383-5000
w: http://www.devereux.org/site/PageServer?pagename=tx_directions
Accademia dei Grandi Laghi
6000 Custer Road Building 7
Plano, TX 75023
Telefono: 972-517-7498 x 103
Fax: 972-517-0133
w: http://www.greatlakesacademy.com/contact.htm
Oxford Learning Frisco Texas Tutoraggio
8811 Teel Parkway Suite 250
Frisco, TX 75034
Telefono: 972-325-1195
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Texas Austin South Tutoraggio
4301 W William Cannon Dr. Ste B220
Austin, TX 78749-1489
Telefono: 512-892-7323
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Texas Garland Tutoraggio
5435 North Garland Ave.
Garland, TX 75040
Telefono: 972-675-9505
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Texas Mansfield Tutoraggio
111 West Debbie Lane Suite 103
Mansfield, TX 76063
Telefono: 817-458-4822
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Texas Plano Tutoraggio
4152 W. Spring Creek Parkway Suite 160
Plano, TX
75024 Telefono: 972-599-1850
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Texas Round Rock Tutoraggio
1780 Round Rock Ave Suite 200
Round Rock, TX 78681
Telefono: 512-265-2448
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Texas Sugar Land Tutoraggio
11929 University Blvd Suite 2E
Sugar Land, TX 77479
Telefono: 832-532-0124
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Oxford Learning Texas Tutoraggio The Woodlands
3091 College Park Dr., Suite 305 College Park Plaza Shopping Center
The Woodlands, TX 77384
Telefono: 936-271-1700
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
La scuola monarca
2815 Rosefield Dr.
Houston, TX 77080
Telefono: 713-479-0800
Fax: 713-933-0567
w: http://www.monarchschool.org/contact-us
McKay School of Education
301 MCKB – BYU
Provo, UT 84602
Telefono: 801-422-3426
w: http://www.education.byu.edu/deans/mission.html
Oxford Learning Utah Riverton Tutoraggio
2582 W 12600 S.
Riverton, Utah 84065
Telefono: 801-613-9343
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
La scuola di Greenwood
14 Greenwood Lane
Putney, VT 05346
Telefono: 802-387-4545
w: http://www.greenwood.org/contact-greenwood-school/
Little Keswick School
PO Box 24
Keswick, VA 22947
Telefono: 434-295-0457
Fax: 434-977-1892
w: http://www.littlekeswickschool.net/contact-information-2/
Oakwood School
7210 Braddock Road
Annandale, Virginia 22003
Telefono: 703-941-5788
Fax: 703-941-4186
w: http://www.oakwoodschool.com/
Oxford Learning Virginia Chesapeake Tutoraggio
805 N Battlefield Blvd., Unit 123 Knell’s Ridge Square
Chesapeake, Virginia 23320
Telefono: 757-547-9797
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Spiritos School
400 Coalfield Rd
Midlothian, VA 23114
w: http://www.spiritosschool.com/
Il Founders Center
Christ United Methodist Church
6818 W. Grace Street
Richmond, BA 23226
Telefono: 804-355-1011
Fax: 804-355-0932
w: http://thefounderscenter.org/contact/
Virginia Institute of Autism
943 Glenwood Station Lane, Suite 201
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Telefono: 434-923-8252
Fax: 434-817-2939
w: http://www.viaschool.org/contact/
Gersh Academy presso il Cougar Mountain Campus
5410 194th Ave SE, Issaquah, WA 98027
Telefono: 425-375-7665
w: https://www.gershacademy.org/admissions/school-locations
Il Kingsbury Center
5000 14th Street NW,
Washington, DC 20011
Telefono: 202-722-5555
w: http://www.kingsbury.org/
La Lab School di Washington
4759 Reservoir Road, NW
Washington, DC 20007-1921
Telefono: 202-965-6600
w: https://www.labschool.org/page/Home
Scuole di autismo in Canada
Accademia pedemontana
745 37 St NW
Calgary AB T2N 4T1
Telefono: 403-270-9400
w: http://www.foothillsacademy.org/
Oxford Learning Beaumont Tutoraggio
5021B-52 Avenue
Beaumont, Alberta T4X 1E5
Telefono: 780-929-1626
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/beaumont-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Calgary Crowfoot Tutoring
202-60 Crowfoot Cres. NW
Calgary, Alberta T3G 3J9
Telefono: 403-262-6335
Oxford Learning Calgary Crowfoot Tutoring
202-60 Crowfoot Cres. NW
Calgary, Alberta T3G 3J9
Telefono: 403-262-6335
Oxford Learning Calgary West Tutoraggio
6404 Old Banff Coach Road SW
Calgary, Alberta T3H 2H3
Telefono: 403-246-4631
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/calgary-west-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Edmonton South Tutoraggio
3840 Gateway Boulevard
Edmonton, Alberta T6J 7A9
Telefono: 780-988-3186
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/edmonton-south-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Edmonton West Tutoraggio
# 250, 6655 178 Street MarketPlace a Callingwood
Edmonton, Alberta T5T 4J5
Telefono: 780-433-0078
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/edmonton-west-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Grande Prairie Tutoraggio
101-10055 120 Ave
Grande Prairie, Alberta T8V 8H8
Telefono: 780-830-0570
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/grande-prairie-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Sherwood Park Tutoraggio
# 112A-101 Granada Boulevard
Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A 4W2
Telefono: 780-417-3066
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/sherwood-park-tutoring/
Oxford Learning St. Albert Tutoraggio
107-1 Hebert Road St.Albert, Alberta T8N 2E7
Telefono: 780-460-6709
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/st-albert-tutoring/
British Columbia
Kenneth Gordon Maplewood School
420 Seymour River Place
North Vancouver, BC V7H 1S8
Telefono: 604-985-5224
Fax: 604 985-4562
w: http://kgms.kgms.ca/contact/
Liceo alternativo di Maplewood
420 Seymour River Place
North Vancouver BC V7J 1S8
Telefono: 604 985-5224
Fax: 604985 4562
w: http://maplewoodhigh.ca/contact/
Oxford Learning Burnaby Tutoraggio
111-6125 Sussex Avenue
Burnaby, British Columbia V5H 4G1
Telefono: 604-565-5877
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/burnaby-tutoring/
Tutoraggio Oxford Learning Coquitlam
206-1194 Lansdowne Drive
Coquitlam, British Columbia V3E 1J7
Telefono: 604-464-3090
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/coquitlam-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio di North Vancouver
101-1975 Lonsdale Avenue
North Vancouver, British Columbia V7M 2K3
Telefono: 604-990-8850
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/north-vancouver-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Richmond Tutoraggio
200-7380 Westminster Highway
Richmond, British Columbia V6X 1A1
Telefono: 604-233-5566
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/richmond-tutoring/
Oxford Learning South Surrey Tutoraggio
# 205-15149 Hwy 10 Panorama Shopping Village
Surrey, British Columbia V3S 9A5
Telefono: 604-575-1494
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/south-surrey-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Vancouver Kerrisdale Tutoraggio
2115 W. 38th Ave.
Vancouver, British Columbia V6M 1R8
Telefono: 604-266-6000
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/vancouver-kerrisdale-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Vancouver Kitsilano Tutoraggio
306-2083 Alma Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6R 4N6
Telefono: 604-563-2000
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/vancouver-kitsilano-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Victoria Tutoraggio
203-1595 McKenzie Ave.
Victoria, British Columbia V8N 1A4
Telefono: 250-477-5550
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/victoria-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio di West Vancouver
1760 Marine Drive Suite 202
West Vancouver, British Columbia V7V 1J4
Telefono: 604-922-5566
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/west-vancouver-tutoring/
PALS Autism School
2409 East Pender Street
Vancouver, BC V5K 2B2
Telefono: 604-251-7257
Fax: 604-251-1627
w: http://palsautismschool.ca/site/contact-us/
Venture Academy
101-1865 Dilworth Drive, Suite 338
Kelowna, British Columbia, V1Y 9T1
Telefono: 250-491-4593
w: http://www.ventureacademy.ca/contact_us/
Oxford Learning Winnipeg Tutoraggio
3025 Ness Avenue Unit J
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2Y 2J2
Telefono: 204.944.0898
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/winnipeg-tutoring/
nuova Scozia
Landmark East School
708 Main Street
Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 1G4 Canada
Telefono: 902-542-2237
Fax: 902-542-4147 / numero verde per la richiesta di ammissione: 800-565-5887
w: http://www.landmarkeast.org/contact/
Oxford Learning Bedford Tutoraggio
540 Southgate Drive Suite 203
Bedford, Nova Scotia B4A 0C9
Telefono: 902-405-4116
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/bedford-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Halifax Tutoraggio
6270 Quinpool Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3L 1A3
Telefono: 902-423-4484
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/halifax-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Hammonds Plains Tutoraggio
21 Glen Arbor Way Willowbrae Childcare Academy
Hammonds Plains, Nuova Scozia B4B 0L8
Telefono: 902-423-4484
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/tutoring-programs/
Applewood Academy
72 Orchard Drive
Belleville, Ontario K8P 2K7
Telefono: 613 962-1042
Fax: 613 967-3998
w: https://applewoodacademy.com/contact/
Arrowsmith School di Toronto
245 St. Clair Avenue West
Toronto, Ontario M4V 1R3
Telefono: 416963-4962
Fax: 416963-5017
w: http://arrowsmithschool.org/toronto/#contact
Arrowsmith School Peterborough
366 Parkhill Road East
Peterborough, Ontario K9L 1C3
Telefono: 705-741-4800
Fax: 705741-1832
w: http://arrowsmithschool.org/peterborough/#contact
Bright Start Academy
4630 Dufferin Street Suite 318
Toronto, ON M3H 5S4
Telefono: 416-514-1415
Fax: 416-514-1410
w: https://www.brightstartacademy.info/
Scuola di Brighton
240 The Donway West (Lawrence & Don Mills)
Toronto, ON M3B 2V8
Telefono: 416-932-8273
Fax: 416-850-5493
w: http://www.brightonschool.ca/contact-us/address-phone/
Chisholm Academy
1484 Cornwall Road
Oakville, Ontario
Canada L6J 7W5
Telefono: 905-844-3240
Fax: 905-844-7321
w: http://chisholmacademy.com/contact/
Don Valley Academy
4576 Yonge Street Suite 408
Toronto, ON M2N 6N4
Telefono: 416-223-7561
Fax: 416-223-0065
w: http://donvalleyacademy.com/contact-us/
Heritage Academy
207 Bayswater Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 2G5
Telefono: 613-722-0133
Fax: 613-722-7881
w: http://www.heritage-academy.com/contact
Centro educativo Kohai
41 Roehampton Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M4P 1P9
Telefono: 416-489-3636
Fax: 416-489-3662
w: http://www.kohai.ca/contact/
Menti magnifiche
47 Glenbrook Avenue, Lower Level
Toronto, Ontario
Telefono: 647-404-6349
w: http://www.magnificentminds.ca/
Montcrest School
4 Montcrest Blvd.
Toronto, ON M4K 1J7
Telefono: 416-469-2008
Fax: 416-469-0934
w: http://www.montcrest.on.ca/index.cfm?pagepath=Contact&id=12598
Oakwood Academy
2150 Torquay Mews
Mississauga, ON L5N 2M6
Telefono: 905-814-0202
w: https://www.oakwoodacademy.ca/contact-us/
Tutoraggio Oxford Aurora
129 Pedersen Drive Unit 3
Aurora, Ontario L4G 0E3
Telefono: 905-503-0678
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/aurora-tutoring/
Tutoraggio Oxford Barrie
331 Bayfield Street
Barrie, Ontario L4M 3C2
Telefono: 705-727-9090
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/barrie-tutoring/
Tutoraggio di Oxford Bolton
7-1 Queensgate Blvd
Bolton, Ontario L7E 2X7
Telefono: 905-857-2803
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/bolton-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Ajax Tutoraggio
475 Westney Road North Ajax Market Place
Ajax, Ontario L1T 3H4
Telefono: 905-683-6660
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/ajax-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Ancaster Tutoraggio
1172 Wilson St.W. Unità 7
Ancaster, Ontario L9G 3K9
Telefono: 905-304-4440
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/ancaster-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Bowmanville Tutoraggio
200 King Street East Unit # 2
Bowmanville, Ontario L1C
1P3 Telefono: 905-419-2428
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/bowmanville-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Bradford Tutoraggio
483 Holland Street West Unit H6
Bradford, ON L3Z 0C1
Telefono: 905-775-3000
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/tutor-bradford/
Oxford Learning Tutoring di prato di Brampton Fletcher
9-17 Worthington Avenue Fletcher’s Meadow Plaza
Brampton, Ontario L7A 2Y7
Telefono: 905-495-2727
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/brampton-fletchers-meadow-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Brampton North Tutoraggio
28-380 Bovaird Dr. Conestoga Square
Brampton, Ontario L6Z 2S7
Telefono: 905-846-1660
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/brampton-north-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Brampton South Tutoraggio
Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4M3
Telefono: 905-457-5094
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/brampton-south-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Brampton Springdale Tutoraggio
55 Mountainash Rd. Unit # 25, Springdale Plaza
Brampton, Ontario L6R 1W4
Telefono: 905-799-9662
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/brampton-springdale-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Brooklin Tutoraggio
1012-5969 Baldwin Street South
Brooklin, Ontario L1M 2J7
Telefono: 905-655-9500
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/brooklin-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Burlington Tutoraggio
2180 Mountain Grove Avenue
Burlington, Ontario L7P 2J3
Telefono: 905-332-1212
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/burlington-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Burlington South Tutoraggio
5014 New Street
Burlington, Ontario L7L 1V1
Telefono: 905-632-8444
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/burlington-south-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Burlington Tutoraggio
2180 Mountain Grove Avenue
Burlington, Ontario L7P 2J3
Telefono: 905-332-1212
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/burlington-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Cambridge Tutoraggio
800 Franklin Boulevard
Cambridge, Ontario N1R 7Z1
Telefono: 519-624-8762
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/cambridge-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Collingwood Tutoraggio
336 Hume St.
Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 1W3
Telefono: 705-445-6022
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/collingwood-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Courtice Tutoring
1414 King Street East Unit # 6
Courtice, Ontario L1E 3B4
Telefono: 905-723-6999
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/courtice-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Georgetown Tutoraggio
7-324 Guelph Street Halton Gate Plaza
Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4B5
Telefono: 905-877-3163
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/georgetown-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Georgetown Tutoraggio
7-324 Guelph Street Halton Gate Plaza
Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4B5
Telefono: 905-877-3163
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/georgetown-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Guelph Tutoring
204-511 Edinburgh Road South
Guelph, Ontario N1G 4S5
Telefono: 519-826-5365
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/guelph-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Kanata Tutoraggio
226-329 March Road
Kanata, ON K2K 2E1
Telefono: 613-591-2400
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/kanata-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Kingston East Tutoraggio
10-235 Gore Road
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5H6
Telefono: 613-549-7327
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/kingston-east-tutoring/
Tutoraggio di Oxford Learning Kitchener
1425 Weber Street East
Kitchener, Ontario N2A 3A7
Telefono: 519-896-7281
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/kitchener-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Kitchener South Tutoraggio
1193 Fischer-Hallman Road Unit 350
Kitchener, Ontario N2R 0H3
Telefono: 519-744-7860
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/kitchener-south-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Kleinburg Tutoraggio
9600 Islington Avenue Unit A5
Woodbridge, ON L4H 2T1
Telefono: 905-552-8777
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/kleinburg-tutoring/
Oxford Learning LaSalle Tutoraggio
5844 Malden Road Unit 24A Town Centre Plaza
LaSalle, Ontario N9H 1S4
Telefono: 519-966-0682
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/lasalle-tutoring/
Oxford Learning London Byron Tutoraggio
208-1240 Commissioners Rd West
London, Ontario N6K 1C7
Telefono: 519-472-3321
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/london-byron-tutoring/
Oxford Learning London North Tutoraggio
580 Fanshawe Park Road East Unit 3
London, Ontario N5X 1L1
Telefono: 519-645-0651
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/london-north-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Maple Tutoraggio
2937 Major Mackenzie Drive
Maple, Ontario L6A 3N9
Telefono: 905-417-3322
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/maple-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Markham Boxgrove Tutoraggio
86 Copper Creek Drive Unit 3, Markham Boxgrove Plaza
Markham, Ontario L6B 0P2
Telefono: 905-471-0133
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/markham-boxgrove-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Markham East Tutoraggio
2-9275 Highway 48
Markham, Ontario L6E 1A1
Telefono: 905-201-2700
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/markham-east-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Markham South Tutoraggio
213-5005 Steeles Ave East
Toronto, Ontario M1V 5K1
Telefono: 905-201-8372
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/markham-south-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Markham Unionville Tutoraggio
9-8601 Warden Ave
Unionville, Ontario L3R 0B5
Telefono: 905-513-8186
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/markham-unionville-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Milton South Tutoraggio
741-743 Main Street East
Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3
Telefono: 905-693-9978
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/milton-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Mississauga Central Tutoring
204-640 Eglinton Avenue West
Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3V2
Telefono: 905-502-0699
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/mississauga-central-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Mississauga Clarkson Tutoraggio
1684 Lakeshore Road W Unit 20
Mississauga, ON L5J 1J4
Telefono: 905-855-3521
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/mississauga-clarkson-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Mississauga Erin Mills Tutoraggio
3185 Unity Drive 2nd Floor
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 4L5
Telefono: 905-369-6610
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/mississauga-erin-mills-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Mississauga Meadowvale Tutoraggio
204-6750 Winston Church Boulevard
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 4C4
Telefono: 905-824-6680
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/mississauga-meadowvale-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Napean Tutoring
1370 Clyde Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K2G 3H8
Telefono: 613-226-6022
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/nepean-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Newmarket Tutoraggio
212-16775 Yonge Street
Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 8J4
Telefono: 905-954-1100
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/newmarket-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio alle Cascate del Niagara
6837 Thorold Stone Road
Niagara Falls, Ontario L2J 1B2
Telefono: 905-353-8500
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/niagara-falls-tutoring/
Oxford Learning North Bay Tutoraggio
1-343 Airport Rd.
North Bay, Ontario P1B 8W8
Telefono: 705-472-0972
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/north-bay-tutoring/
Oxford Learning North York Bayview Woods Tutoraggio
207-5915 Leslie Street
North York, Ontario M2H 1J8
Telefono: 416-498-4040
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/north-york-bayview-woods-tutoring/
Oxford Learning North York Don Valley Tutoraggio
2810 Victoria Park Ave # 110
North York, Ontario M2J 4A9
Telefono: 416-502-9628
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/north-york-don-valley-tutoring/
Oxford Learning North York Lawrence Plaza Tutoraggio
201A-3130 Bathurst Street
North York, Ontario M6A 2A1
Telefono: 416-781-1225
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/north-york-lawrence-plaza-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Oakville North East Tutoraggio
380 Dundas Street East
Oakville, Ontario L6H 6Z9
Telefono: 905-616-9444
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/oakville-north-east-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Oakville North Tutoraggio
1131 Nottinghill Gate Suite 14
Oakville, Ontario L6M 1K5
Telefono: 905-469-1929
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/oakville-north-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Orangeville Tutoraggio
215 Centennial Rd. Unit # 9 Westside Market Village
Orangeville, Ontario L9W 5K9
Telefono: 519-215-2531
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/orangeville-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Ottawa Barrhaven Tutoraggio
204-3171 Strandherd Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K2J 5N1
Telefono: 613-823-1300
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/ottawa-barrhaven-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Ottawa Orleans Tutoraggio
3619 Innes Rd.
Ottawa, Ontario K1C 1T1
Telefono: 613-841-7321
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/ottawa-orleans-tutoring/
Tutoraggio Oxford Learning Paris
1084 Rest Acres Road Unit # 13
Paris, Ontario N3L 0B5
Telefono: 519-209-8099
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/paris-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Pickering Tutoraggio
1105 Finch Avenue
Pickering, Ontario L1V 1J7
Telefono: 905-420-3141
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/pickering-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Richmond Hill North Tutoraggio
209A-10720 Yonge Street
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 3C9
Telefono: 905-737-5650
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/richmond-hill-north-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Richmond Hill South Tutoraggio
9011 Leslie Street Suite 201
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3B6
Telefono: 905-709-4545
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/richmond-hill-south-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Richmond Hill West Tutoraggio
9325 Yonge Street Unit 15
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4C 0A8
Telefono: 905-292-3501
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/richmond-hill-west-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Rockcliffe Tutoraggio
359 St Laurent Blvd
Ottawa, ON K1K 2Z7
Telefono: 613-288-2138
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/rockcliffe-tutoring/
Tutoraggio Oxford Learning South
511 Maple Grove Drive, Suite 2 Maple Grove Village
Oakville, Ontario L6J 6X8
Telefono: 905-849-4027
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/oakville-south-tutoring/
Oxford Learning South West Tutoraggio
509 Commissioners Rd W
London, ON N6J1Y5
Telefono: 519-473-0375
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/london-south-west-tutoring/
Oxford Learning St Catharines Tutoraggio
24-100 Fourth Avenue
St.Catharines, Ontario L2S 3P1
Telefono: 905-685-8141
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/st-catharines-tutoring/
Oxford Learning St Thomas Tutoring
172 Center
St.Thomas, ON N5R 3A4
Telefono: 519-637-1642
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/st-thomas-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Stoney Creek Tutoraggio
520 Highway # 8
Stoney Creek, Ontario L8G 1G6
Telefono: 905-664-9449
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/stoney-creek-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Stouffville Tutoraggio
11873 Ninth Line
Stouffville, Ontario L4A 1H6
Telefono: 905-640-1020
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/stouffville-tutoring/
Tutoraggio Oxford Learning Tecumseh
13300 Tecumseh Road East Suite 290
Tecumseh, Ontario N8N 4R8
Telefono: 519-739-2951
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/tecumseh-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Thornhill Tutoring
110-7700 Bathurst Street
Thornhill, Ontario L4J 7Y3
Telefono: 905-707-1417
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/thornhill-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio sulle spiagge di Toronto
2191 Queen Street East
Toronto, Ontario M4E 1E5
Telefono: 416-686-1430
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-beaches-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Toronto Danforth Tutoring
784 Broadview Ave.
Toronto, Ontario M4K 2P7
Telefono: 416-849-1476
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-danforth-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Toronto Don Mills Tutoraggio
51 Underhill Drive Unit 1, Donwood Plaza
Don Mills, Ontario M3A 2J8
Telefono: 416-391-1838
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-don-mills-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Toronto Etobicoke Royal York Tutoring
4195 Dundas Street West
Etobicoke, Ontario M8X 1Y4
Telefono: 416-234-1054
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-etobicoke-royal-york-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio Toronto Forest Hill
481 Eglinton Ave West Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario
M5N 1A7 Telefono: 416-367-4455
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-forest-hill-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio di Toronto High Park
406 Pacific Ave Unit B
High Park, Ontario M6P 2R4
Telefono: 416-762-4447
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-high-park-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Toronto Leaside Tutoring
1820 D Bayview Ave
Leaside, Ontario M4G 4G7
Telefono: 416-489-0511
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-leaside-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio del porto di Toronto
347 Lakeshore Rd East Unit 5
Mississauga, Ontario L5G 1H6
Telefono: 905-891-2500
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-port-credit-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Toronto Rosedale Tutoring
44 St Clair Ave E. 2nd Floor
Rosedale, Ontario M4T 1M9
Telefono: 416-710-1858
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-rosedale-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio Toronto Scarborough Bluffs
103 Guildwood Parkway Centro commerciale Guildwood Village
Scarborough, Ontario M1E 1P1
Telefono: 647-352-6224
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-scarborough-bluffs-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Toronto Scarborough Central Tutoraggio
33 Lapsley Rd
Scarborough, Ontario M1B 1K1
Telefono: 647-800-4787
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-scarborough-central-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio Toronto Scarborough East
91 Rylander Blvd., Suite 205 Abbey Lane Plaza
Scarborough, Ontario M1B 5M5
Telefono: 416-208-6990
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-scarborough-east-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio Toronto York Mills
1865 Leslie Street Suite 201
York Mills, Ontario M3B 2M3
Telefono: 647-341-7323
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/toronto-york-mills-tutoring/
Tutoraggio Oxford Learning Waterdown
Waterdown, Ontario L8B 0G8
Telefono: 905-690-7994
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/waterdown-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Waterloo Eastbridge Tutoraggio
370 Eastbridge Blvd Unit # 8
Waterloo, Ontario
N2K 4P1
Telefono: 519.746.9000
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/waterloo-eastbridge-tutoring/
Tutoraggio Oxford Learning Waterloo
10 Fischer-Hallman Road
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 2X3
Telefono: 519-725-3577
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/waterloo-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Whitby Tutoraggio
105-3050 Garden Street
Whitby, Ontario L1R 2G7
Telefono: 905-668-6800
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/whitby-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Woodbridge Tutoraggio
130-4550 Highway 7
Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 4Y7
Telefono: 905-850-2909
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/woodbridge-tutoring/
Robert Land Academy
6727 South Chippawa Road
Wellandport, Ontario, L0R 2J0
Telefono: 905-386-6203
Fax: 905-386-6607
w: https://www.robertlandacademy.com/contact
Shoore Center
801 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 201 (Eglinton e Bathurst)
Toronto, Ontario M5N 1E3
Telefono: 416-781-4754
Fax: 416-781-0163
w: https://www.shooreacademics.ca/contact
Il Lighthouse Learning and Development Center
219 Old Yonge Street,
Aurora, ON L4G 6J6
Telefono: 905-727-6666
w: https://lhldc.com/contact-us/
L’Accademia YMCA
15 Breadalbane St., 3 ° piano
Toronto, ON M4Y 1C2
Telefono: 416-928-0124 ext. 31400
Fax: 416-928-0212
w: https://www.ymcaacademy.org/contact-us/
Wildwood Academy
2250 Sheridan Garden Drive
Oakville, Ontario L6J 7T1
Telefono: 905-829-4226
Fax: 905-829-2318
w: https://www.wildwoodacademy.com/
Willow Wood School
55 Scarsdale Road
Toronto, Ontario M3B 2R3
Telefono: 416-444-7644
Fax: 416-444-1801
w: http://www.willowwoodschool.ca/content/contact/index.php
Isola del Principe Edoardo
Kells Academy
6865 Boulevard de Maisonneuve O
Montreal, QC H4B 1T1
w: http://www.kells.ca/index.php?option=com_contactenhanced&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=126
Kells Elementary
2290 Boulevard de Cavendish
Montreal, QC H4B 2M7
Telefono: + 1-514-487-2345
w: http://www.kells.ca/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=203
Tutoraggio Oxford Learning Brossard
6845, Boulevard Taschereau Local 700
Brossard, Quebec J4Z 1A7
Telefono: 450-443-1933
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/brossard-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Laval Chomedey Tutoraggio
250-3310 100 ave.
Laval, Quebec H7T 0J7
Telefono: 579-640-1600
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/laval-chomedey-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Montreal DDO Tutoraggio
3701 Boul. Jean Suite B Blue Haven Shopping Village
Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec H9G 1X2
Telefono: 514-696-0606
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/montreal-ddo-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Montreal NDG Tutoraggio
4260 Rue Girouard Suite 102
Montreal, Quebec H4A 3C9
Telefono: 514-481-4441
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/montreal-ndg-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Tutoraggio Montreal St. Laurent
6225 Boul. Henri-Bourassa Ouest
St. Laurent, Quebec H4R 1C7
Telefono: 514-333-4988
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/montreal-st-laurent-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Vaudreuil Tutoraggio
939 boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes
Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec J7V 0H2
Telefono: 450-510-LIRE (5473)
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/vaudreuil-dorion-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Regina Tutoring
203-2595 Quance Street East
Regina, Saskatchewan S4V 2Y8
Telefono: 306-790-2000
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/regina-tutoring/
Oxford Learning Saskatoon Tutoraggio
115-3501 8th Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7H 0W5
Telefono: 306-668-2223
w: https://www.oxfordlearning.com/locations/saskatoon-tutoring/
Scuole di autismo nel Regno Unito (UK)
Scuola di Acorn Park
Andrew’s Furlong
Mill Road
Banham, Norwich
Norfolk, NR16 2HU
Telefono: 01953888656
w: http://acornpark.org.uk/
Alderwasley Hall School
Alderwasley, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 2SR
Telefono: 01629 822586
Fax: 01629 826661
w: http://senadgroup.com/contact/
Alfreton Park Community Special School
Alfreton Park,
Wingfield Road,
Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 7AL
Telefono: 01773 832019
w: http://alfretonpark.derbyshire.sch.uk/contact-us/
Appleford School
Nr. Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 4HL
Telefono: 01980 220012
Fax ufficio scolastico: 01980 621366
w: http://www.applefordschool.org/contact/
Arc School Ansley
Ansley Lane
Ansley, Nuneaton,
Warwickshire, CV10 9ND
Telefono: 01676 543 810
w: https://kedlestongroup.com/ansley
Arc School Napton
Vicarage Road,
Napton-on-the-Hill, Warwickshire, CV47 8NA
Telefono: 01926 817547
w: https://kedlestongroup.com/napton
Arc School Old Arley
Old Arley
Ansley, Nuneaton,
Warwickshire, CV7 8NU
Telefono: 01676 543200
w: https://kedlestongroup.com/old-arley
Scuola di Belgrave
10 Upper Belgrave Road
Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2XH Preside
: Jonathan Skinner
Telefono: 0117974 3133
w: http://www.belgrave-school.org/
Bladon House School
Newton Solney, Burton Upon Trent, Staffordshire, DE15 0TA
Telefono: 01283 563787
Fax: 01283 510980
w: http://senadgroup.com/contact/
Breckenbrough School
Sandhutton, nr Thirsk,
North Yorkshire YO7 4EN
Telefono: 01845 587238
w: https://www.breckenbrough.org.uk/
Brooklands Community Special School
Burnside Avenue
Skipton, North Yorkshire
BD23 2DB
Telefono: 01756 794028
Fax: 01756 794200
w: http://www.brooklands.n-yorks.sch.uk/school-information/
Caldecott School
Caldecott House
Hythe Road, Smeeth,
Ashford, Kent TN25 6SP
Telefono: 01303815685
w: https://www.thecaldecottfoundation.co.uk/contact-us/
Cedar House School
Lancaster, LA2
7DD Telefono: 015242 61149 (Fuori termine: 015395 66081)
w: http://witherslackgroup.co.uk/cedar-house-school/education/
Center Academy East Anglia
Church Rd, Brettenham
Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 7QR
Telefono: 01449 736404
Fax: 01449 737881
w: http://centreacademy.net/contact.html
Centre Academy London
92 St. John’s Hill, Battersea,
Londra, SW11 1SH
Telefono: 0207 7382344
Fax: 0207 7389862
w: http://centreacademy.net/contact.html
Chilworth House School
Thame Road
Wheatley, Oxfordshire, OX33 1JP
Telefono: 01844339 077 (Fuori termine: 015395 66081)
Fax: 01844339 088
w: http://witherslackgroup.co.uk/chilworth-house-school/
Clay Hill School
Clay Hill
Lyndhurst, Hampshire, SO43 7DE
Telefono: 023 8028 3633
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Devon Education and Children’s Services
Bere Alston
Yelverton, Devon, PL20 7EX
Telefono: 01822 840379
Fax: 01822 841489
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Scuola di Eastwood Grange Derbyshire
Indirizzo: Milken Ln, Ashover, Chesterfield S45 0BA, UK
Telefono: +44 1246 590255
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Fairfields School
Trinity Avenue
Telefono: 01604 714777
Fax: 01604 714245
w: http://fairfields.northants.sch.uk/school/contact-us/
Farleigh Further Education College
Somerset, BA11 2AB
Telefono: 01373 475 470
Fax: 01373 475 473
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Frewen College
Northiam, Rye, East Sussex, TN31 6NL
Telefono: 01797 252494/01797 253388
w: http://www.frewencollege.co.uk/
Fullerton House School
Tickhill Square
Denaby, Doncaster
South Yorkshire, DN12 4AR
Telefono: 01709 861663
Fax: 01709 869635
w: http://www.hesleygroup.co.uk/content/fullerton-house-school-introduction
Ganton School
294 Anlaby Park Road South,
Hull. HU4 7JB, Regno Unito
Telefono: 01482 564646
w: http://gantonschool.org.uk/
Grangewood School
Fore Street
Telefono: 01895 676401
w: http://grangewoodschool.co.uk/contact
Grimoldby Primary School
Tinkle St. Grimoldby, Lincolnshire, LN11 8SW
Telefono: 01507 327393
w: http://grimoldbyschool.net/
Heath Farm School
Egerton Road
Charing Heath
Ashford, Kent, TN27 0AX
6th Form Center
17 Hardinge Road
Ashford, Kent, TN24 8HB
Telefono: 01233712030
w: http://heathfarmschool.org/
Hereward College
Bramston Crescent
Tile Hill, Coventry, CV4 9SW
Telefono: 024 7646 1231
w: http://www.hereward.ac.uk/about-us/contact-us/
High Peak School
Mudhurst Ln
Higher Disley, Stockport SK12 2AP, Regno Unito
Telefono: 01663 721 731
w: https://kedlestongroup.com/high-peak
Horton House School
Southlands Hall
75 Thwaite Street, Cottingham
East Yorkshire, HU16 4RD
Telefono: 01482 330696
Fax: 0844288 7006
w: http://hortongroup.co.uk/contact-us-2/
Hurworth House School
Westfield Drive
Hurworth, Darlington
County Durham, DL2 2AD
Telefono: 01325729080
Fax: 01325729081
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Kestrel House School
104 Crouch Hill
London, N8 9EA
Telefono: 020 8348 8500
w: http://kestrelhouseschool.co.uk/
Kisimul Group Limited
The Old Vicarage
Swinderby, Lincoln
Lincolnshire, LN6 9LU
Telefono: 01522 868279
w: http://www.kisimul.co.uk/contact.html
Laleham Gap School
Ozengell Place
Ramsgate, Kent, CT12 6FH
Telefono: 01843 570598
w: http://www.laleham-gap.kent.sch.uk/default.cfm#
Leaways School di Londra
Theydon Road
Clapton, Londra, E5 9NZ
Telefono: 020 8815 4030
w: https://kedlestongroup.com/leaways
Longdon Park School
Park Hill
Hilton Road, Egginton
Derbyshire, DE65 6GU
Telefono: 01283 733195
w: http://longdonparkschool.co.uk/
Meadowcroft School
24 Bar Lane
Wakefield, West Yorkshire
w: https://meadowcroftschool.com/
Moat School
Bishop’s Ave
London, SW6 6EG
Telefono: 020 7610 9018
w: http://moatschool.org.uk/
Moon Hall College
Burys Court, Flanchford Road
Leigh, Reigate
Surrey, RH2 8RE
Telefono: +44 (0) 1306 611372
w: http://www.moonhallcollege.co.uk/
Moon Hall School
Pasturewood Road
Holmbury St.Mary
vicino a Dorking
Surrey, RH5 6LQ
Telefono: 01306 731464
Fax: 01306 731504
w: http://www.moonhallschool.co.uk/contact.html
Muntham House School
Barns Green
Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 0NJ
Telefono: 01403 730302
w: http://www.muntham.org.uk/
Naylors Road
Liverpool, L27 2YA
Telefono: 0151 487 7211 (Fuori termine: 015395 66081)
Fax: 0151 487 7214
w: http://witherslackgroup.co.uk/lakeside-school/
Newbury Manor School
Mells, nr. Frome, Somerset, BA11 3RG
Telefono: 01373 814980
Fax: 01373 814984
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Scuola di Oakfield House
Station Road
Salwick, Preston, PR4 0YH
Telefono: 01772 672 630
w: http://oakfieldhouseschool.co.uk/
Oaktree School
Truro Business Park
Truro, Cornwall, TR4 9NH
Telefono: 01872 264 221
w: http://oaktreeschoolcornwall.co.uk/
Oliver House School
Astley Village, Chorley
Lancashire, PR7 1XA
Telefono: 01257 220 011
Fax: 01257 220 055
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Olsen House School
85-87 Liverpool Road
Great Crosby, Liverpool, L23 5TD
Telefono: 0151924 0234
Fax: 0151924 5265
w: https://kedlestongroup.com/olsen-house
Opzioni Barton
Barrow Road, Barton upon Humber,
North Lincolnshire, DN18 6DA
Telefono: 01652 631280
w: http://www.optionsgroup.co.uk/options/options-barton
Opzioni Higford
Higford Hall, Nr Shifnal,
Shropshire, TF11 9ET
Telefono: 01952 630600
w: http://www.optionsgroup.co.uk/options/options-higford
Opzioni Kinsale
Kinsale Hall, Llanerch-y-mor,
Flintshire, CH8 9DX
Telefono: 01745 562500
w: http://www.optionsgroup.co.uk/options/options-kinsale
Scuola Pegasus
Caldwell Hall, Main Street, Caldwell, Derbyshire, DE12 6RS
Telefono: 01283 761352
Fax: 01283 761312
w: http://senadgroup.com/contact/
Philpots Manor School
West Hoathly
West Sussex, RH19 4PR
Telefono: (+44) 01342 810268
Fax: (+44) 01342 811363
w: http://www.philpotsmanorschool.co.uk/contact.htm
Priory College di Swindon
43 Bath Road
Old Town
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 4AS
Telefono: 01793 719500
Fax: 01793 529541
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Priory Lodge School
Priory Lane
Roehampton, Londra, SW15 5JJ
Telefono: 0208392 4410
Fax: 0208392 4415
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Scuola Pegasus
Caldwell Hall, Main Street, Caldwell, Derbyshire, DE12 6RS
Telefono: 01283 761352
Fax: 01283 761312
w: http://senadgroup.com/contact/
Philpots Manor School
West Hoathly
West Sussex, RH19 4PR
Telefono: (+44) 01342 810268
Fax: (+44) 01342 811363
w: http://www.philpotsmanorschool.co.uk/contact.htm
Priory College di Swindon
43 Bath Road
Old Town
Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 4AS
Telefono: 01793 719500
Fax: 01793 529541
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Priory Lodge School
Priory Lane
Roehampton, Londra, SW15 5JJ
Telefono: 0208392 4410
Fax: 0208392 4415
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Queen Alexandra College
Court Oak Road
Harborne, Birmingham, B17 9TG
Telefono: 0121428 5050
Fax: 0121428 5048
w: http://www.qac.ac.uk/
Riverston School
63/69 Eltham Road,
Lee, London SE12 8UF
Telefono: 0208 318 4327 | 0208 318 3847
w: http://www.riverstonschool.co.uk/Contact-Us/
Rossendale School
Bamford Road
Ramsbottom, Lancashire BL0 0RT
Telefono: 01706 822779
Fax: 01706 821457
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Rowden House School
Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4LS
Telefono: 01885 488096
Fax: 01885 483361
w: http://senadgroup.com/contact/
Rugeley School
Blithbury Road
Blithbury, Rugeley,
Staffordshire, WS15 3JQ
Telefono: 01889504 400
Fax: 01889504010
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Saltergate Infant School
Newby Crescent
North Yorkshire
Telefono: 01423 508552
w: http://saltergate-infant-school.org/?page_id=70
Shapwick School
Shapwick Manor,
Shapwick, Nr. Bridgwater, Somerset TA7 9NJ
Telefono: 01458210384
Fax: 01458201111
w: http://www.shapwickschool.com/
Scuola di Sheiling
Park Road
Thornbury BS35 1HP
Telefono: 01454 412194
Fax: 01454 411860
w: http://www.shephiachool.org.uk/
Sheridan School
Thetford Road
Northwold, Thetford, IP26 5LQ
Telefono: 01366 726040
Fax: 01366 726041
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Sketchley School e Forest House
Manor Way
Sketchley, Burbage
Leicestershire, LE10 3HT
Telefono: 01455 890 023
Fax: 01455636282
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Scuola di San Domenico
Godalming, Surrey, GU8 4DX
Telefono: 01428 684693/01428 682741
Fax: 01428 685018
w: http://www.stdominicsschool.org.uk/contact_us
Strathmore College Stoke on Trent
Unit 7 Imex Center Technology Park
Stoke-on Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 8LJ
Telefono: 01782 647380
Fax: 01782 647390
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Swalcliffe Park School
Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 5EP
Telefono: 01295 780302
Fax: 01295 780 006
w: http://swalcliffepark-oxon.frogos.net/app/os#!/contact
Tadley Court School
Tadley Common Road
Tadley, Hampshire, RG26 3TB
Telefono: 0118981 7720
Fax: 0118982 1985
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
The Gallery
Wentworth Terrace
Wakefield, WF1 3QW
Telefono: 01924366242
w: http://meadowcroftschool.com/
La scuola Marchant-Holliday
North Cheriton
Templecombe, Somerset, BA8 0AH
Telefono: 01963 33234
w: http://www.marchant-holliday.co.uk/contact-us.php
La National Autistic Society
393 City Road
London, EC1V 1NG
Telefono: +44 (0) 20 7833 2299
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7833 9666
w: http://www.autism.org.uk/educationgroup
La New Eccles Hall School
Norwich, Norfolk, NR16 2NZ
Telefono: +44 (0) 1953 887217
Fax: +44 (0) 1953 887397
w: http://www.neweccleshall.com/
Il Royal National College for the Blind (RNC)
Venns Lane, Hereford, HR1 1DT
Telefono: 01432 265 725
w: http://www.rnc.ac.uk/
La Shires Stretton School di Oakham
3 Uppingham Road
Oakham, LE15 6JB
Telefono: 01780411944
w: http://theshires.org.uk/
La Shires Stretton School di Stretton
Shires Lane
Stretton, Rutland, LE15 7GT
w: http://theshires.org.uk/
La scuola dell’unicorno
20 Marcham Road
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1AA
Telefono: 01235 530222
w: http://www.unicornoxford.co.uk/
Treloar Trust
Alton, Hampshire, GU34 4GL
Telefono: 01420 547400
w: https://www.treloar.org.uk/
Underley Garden School
Kirkby Lonsdale
Carnforth, Lancashire, LA6 2DZ
Telefono: 01524 271 569
w: http://underleygarden.co.uk/
Unsted Park School e Sixth Form
Munstead Heath Road
Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1UW
Telefono: 01483 892 061
Fax: 01483 898858
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Wilsic Hall School
Wadworth, Doncaster
South Yorkshire, DN11 9AG
Telefono: 01302 856382
Fax: 01302 853608
w: http://www.hesleygroup.co.uk/content/wilsic-hall-school-introduction
Wings School Cumbria
Milnthorpe LA7 7DN, Regno Unito
Telefono: 01539 562006
Fax: 01539 564811
w: https://kedlestongroup.com/wings-cumbria
Wings School Notts
Kirklington Hall
Main St, Kirklington, Newark NG22 8NB, Regno Unito
Telefono: 01636 817430
Fax: 01636 817435
w: https://kedlestongroup.com/wings-notts
Daldorch House School
Sorn Road, Catrine,
East Ayrshire, Scozia, KA5 6NA
Telefono: 01290 551 666
w: http://www.autism.org.uk/services/nas-schools/daldorch-house/about%20us.aspx
Falkland House School
Fife, KY15 7AE
Telefono: 01337 857 268
w: http://falklandhouseschool.org/contact/
Mary Russell School
Hawkhead Road
Paisley, PA2 7BE
Telefono: 0141889 7628
w: http://www.maryrussell.renfrewshire.sch.uk/
Troup House School Aberdeenshire
Indirizzo: Aberdeenshire,
Gamrie AB45 3JN
Telefono: +44 1261 851584
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Scuola di Aran Hall
Rhydymain, Dolgellau, Gwynedd, LL40 2AR
Telefono: 01341 450641
Fax: 01341 450637
w: http://senadgroup.com/contact/
Gwenllian Education Center
Hillfield Villas
Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire, SA17 4UL
Telefono: 01554 890796
w: http://gwenllianeducationcentre.co.uk/contact-us
Priory College del Galles del Nord
Ty Dewi Sant
Rhosddu Road, Wrexham, LL11 0ZX
Telefono: 01978 340580
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Priory College South Wales
Coleg Gwent
Pontypool Campus, Blaendare Road
Torfaen, NP4 5YE
Telefono: 01495762609
Fax: 01495333100
w: https://www.priorychildrensservices.co.uk/schools-and-colleges/
Scuola di autismo in Australia
Hamilton Special Developmental School
15 Kerr St, Hamilton VIC 3300, Australia
Telefono: 03 5572 3077
w: http://www.hamiltonsds.vic.edu.au/
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